My Weight Loss Retreat At Melbourne And Why Natural Weight Loss Is The Best

· Natural Treatments,naturopath melbourne,myvitalhealth,natural medicine,weight loss program

Since I was young, I was often teased for being too much on the heavy side. You know that scene when people love the chubbiness but then the chubbiness spills over into adulthood and you start feeling self-doubt. 

The world for me was divided into two parts. One side believed weight was nothing too big of an issue and no matter the number on the weighing scale, I was beautiful. 

On the other side, well they said the same thing. But, in a condescending way. 

I was in a dilemma. I didn’t want to be extreme and resort to bulimia or starving but I wanted to feel good about myself. 

The Weight Loss Program in Melbourne 

My Vital Health Solutions - a naturopathic doctor near me wasn’t patronising. Naturopath Domenic Pisanelli gave me real advice.


Weight Loss Retreat Melbourne

He didn’t believe in injections, starving, or any far-fetched options to weight loss. Instead, he focused on detox and weight loss

  Ridding the body of toxins, flushing out anything that does not benefit the body and basically cleansing the body. 

The Plan of Action at the Weight Loss Retreat in Melbourne 

At My Vital Health Solutions, things are done a bit differently. 

Here’s how it progresses:

  • The body is exposed to numerous toxins every single day.
  • These can be deliberate or not.
  • These toxins accumulate in the body.
  • If one tries to lose weight, but still continues to eat as usual and binge, and there is no detox, there is the possibility of the toxins that are accumulated in the fatty tissue dissipating hindering other processes of the body.
  • Detox at the weight loss program in Melbourne is done by a personalised approach.
  • The naturopaths believe each person should be treated as an individual entity and there is no one-size-fits-all.
  • Detox and weight loss go hand in hand.
Weight Loss Program Melbourne

Don’t think too much about what people say 

I know exactly how it feels when people are constantly advising you about weight and obesity and health. 

It can be overwhelming. This is why I believe that taking the word from the experts can be the best. What better way than the natural approach? 

Natural Weight Loss is the best there is. I promise. 

I feel great today. Not because I fit in with everyone else’s ideals of beauty standards. But rather because I feel fit, I don’t get tired as easily, and it is a relief to not have to worry about getting a heart attack as they tell you. 

What should you do?

I’d say do what you feel is the best for you. With naturopathy, you have nothing to lose. No side-effects. At the same time, bear in mind that there is no magic cure or overnight solution. 

You will have to work hard to keep to the therapy and only then it will start to have effect.